17 October 2010

My new blog series: MODELLING 101 - A guide for new and aspiring models

I've been working as a modelling scout and photographer for the past 8 years. Much of my work has been with new and aspiring models, and I’ve always enjoyed the process of guiding models and helping them find their place in the modelling industry.

It’s a big industry, offering a wide variety of avenues to pursue, depending on a model’s physical attributes, goals, and tenacity.  Unfortunately, from the outside, modelling seems like a profession that’s almost impossible to break into, due to the strict physical requirements most people perceive to be the rule for ALL modelling.

Unless you’ve been blessed with the perfect modelling genes, you most certainly will have to adjust your expectations. But even if you’re not the “perfect model”, you can still pursue a successful part-time, or even full-time, career in modelling.  Having a good understanding of the modelling industry, having the right portfolio, and approaching the right people, is essential for finding your place in this industry.  Knowledge is power, which is why I want to give you the information you need to guide you through the modelling industry maze.  The rest is entirely up to you.

Tenacity and resilience will go a long way to get you ahead in this business. So too will a little luck, a lot of energy, a good attitude, and, most importantly, strong support from people like your parents, who have a genuine interest in your wellbeing and some wisdom in financial and business matters -  try going up against the hardened sharks in this business alone and you will see just how quickly a small fish in a big pond can be eaten.

In this series, Modelling 101, I’ll be covering topics like: modelling genres (types) and the physical requirements for each; portfolios and comp cards; choosing and approaching an agency; casting calls and networking; legal matters and potential scams to avoid; working with a photographer; the harsh realities of modelling and the qualities that will get you ahead; and modelling terminology.

I don't really want to hear from you, but if you must, feel free to comment on posts or tell me about your experiences as a model or other professional in the industry.  I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Let's get this going!


01 October 2010

Houston, we have lift-off

Here we go...finally, the blog the world wasn't waiting for :-)

It will be fitting to start this first blog post by thanking all the amazing people who have made my photography dream possible.  Over the years I've had the good fortune to work with fantastic people in the modeling and fashion industry; people who generously shared their skill and talent, and helped me grow and attain my professional goals.  It would be impossible and unfair to attempt a list of all those people here, as I'm bound to leave someone out.  I will be going into more detail in future posts, but here are just a few people who've made a difference.

Irene was my favourite model: cheerful, enthusiastic, cheeky, laid-back, and always fun to work with.  Thanks to her I did some of my best photography so far.  I could fill an entire site with her images; they're that good.  She has the most gorgeous body and face, and the personality to go with it.  Irene, I salute you :-)

Belinda was the story that touched my heart.  A few weeks after I first photographed her, she went through the most terrible time, with personal and family disasters that would have destroyed a weaker person.  At our next meeting, she returned determined, focused, and completely certain about her direction in the modeling world.  She bugged me until I finally took her to see a model management company from Cape Town, where they instantly recognized her as a diamond.  She is perfect fashion material: tall, slender, and beautiful.  Belinda not only made me proud as a photographer, she is also the daughter I never knew.  I respect everything she achieved and worked for.  Today Belinda is a successful model represented by Star Model Management, with an impressive portfolio.

Lastly for now, I have to mention Tanya, without whom I would never have got off my arse and made an effort.  Tanya is my Muse, my inspiration.  Lovely in every way, intelligent, she makes my world worth living in.  Gem is the result of one very lazy man and a beautiful woman with a vision.  I'm in your debt X
